Monday, May 14, 2012

Tanzania! Here we come!


It has been a while. I haven't forgotten about you. I've got a post about it. It's not for today though.

I am going on a trip. I have been so busy getting prepared for it and living life too, that I failed to let anyone know about it!

On Thursday, Dr. Max Hutchinson and I will board a plane to head to Tanzania! The dates of the trip are May 17-29.

We will be going Musoma.
Look at the middle map.
It's right up there at the top.Beneath Lake Victoria.

Dr. Hutchinson and I will meet with a group from McLean Presbyterian Church of McLean, Virginia in London, on our way to Tanzania. Deacons and Elders from McLean will be teaching and preaching at a pastor's conference sponsored by the African Inland Church-Tanzania in Musoma. Read about African Inland Church-Tanzania at McLean Presbyterian Church's web page.

McLean's website also offers this information about the country.


The United Republic of Tanzania is a country in East Africa bordered by Kenya and Uganda to the north. It is relatively stable politically and is a country of considerable resources that has leveraged tourism, mining, trade and communications to fuel notable economic growth since 2000. Nonetheless, poverty is still widespread and acute, especially in rural areas where few households have access to safe drinking water, primary education and medical treatment. Life expectancy in Tanzania is just 48 years due to HIV/AIDS, the leading cause of death, and malaria, the number one killer of children.

It is estimated that approximately 40% of the population is Christian with Muslims being 35% and indigenous beliefs 25%, but all estimates on religious affiliation are at best guesswork as the national census has not asked for religious affiliation since 1967 in an attempt to avoid rivalries between the various religious groups.

The group went this same time last year and one of the members, a young woman from McLean who interpreted for them made this slideshow and posted it on YouTube. Please watch. Also read the description under the video to learn about how the church is helping to provide clean water to the people of Tanzania.

Would you please pray for us?

A few of the requests that I can think of right now are for:

  • Health-the stomach is a particular area of concern :)
  • Safety-planes, buses, vans, wild animals, etc....
  • Wisdom/Discernment
  • Supplies and equipment to get through customs
  • Rest-That we would be able to sleep when its time to sleep
  • Energy-That we would have energy when it is time to work
  • My dear husband, Eric, and our children at home, Ty, Tess, Amelia and Dinah, the other team members' families, and those that will help care for my family while I'm gone-( I will miss a birthday and several school and church events that my children are involved in while I'm gone. And if you read my Mother's day cards you'd know they like me A LOT. I'm fond of them also and don't want us to be too homesick for each other.)
  • the people who will be speaking, teaching, and preaching-clarity of thought and supernatural ability to convey God's word to the people
  • The native people who will be traveling to Musoma for the conference
  • Creativity and ingenuity for Dr. Hutchinson and I as we practice medicine with limited resources
  • That our medicines will last and last like loaves and fishes.
  • That we would be rays of light as we seek to represent our Loving Lord
  • Customs and Manners-that we don't offend the people by our actions
  • Adaptability
  • That we pack what we need-nothing more, nothing less

Did I say a few things? I meant many. :)

Blessings and gratitude to you for your prayers,

